Tektoseal Active - решения для органических загрязнений и маслянистых сред
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Ленинградское шоссе 69-1
125445 Москва

Tektoseal® Active for organic pollutants

The pollutant filters for long-lived persistent organic pollutants (POPs)

With Tektoseal Active product solutions for organic pollutants, you can reliably secure and remediate contaminated soils and waters. POPs occur in gaseous form, dissolved in water or in dust particles as well as in soils. With our products, these pollutants can be safely absorbed in any phase. Our product solutions combine the advantages of geotextiles with the particularly suitable pollutant adsorbers, activated carbon and organoclay. Thanks to the high pollutant absorption, it is possible to develop large-area, reliable pollutant filters that make your projects safe and more economical at the same time. The installation of the water-permeable and erosion-proof pollutant barriers is possible on and in soils and also under water.

Our Tektoseal Active solutions with special activated carbon are optimally applicable as permeable barriers for dissolved organic pollutants, such as VOC, TBT, PAH, PCB etc., in soil air and gases as well as surface and ground water. A product configuration with Organoclay is particularly recommended for organic pollutants with oil compounds. For example, pollutants from coal tar, creosote, (so-called non-aqueous phase liquids, NAPLs) etc. can be reliably adsorbed or treated. For a more in-depth analysis of your project-specific challenge, our team of experts will be happy to assist you at any time.

Tektoseal Active product solutions for organic pollutants

Tektoseal Active product solutions for organic pollutants

High-performance textiles combined with special activated carbon provide reliable pollutant adsorption from water and gases.

High performance for organic pollutants in oily environments

High-performance textiles combined with swellable organoclay ensure reliable pollutant adsorption.

Pollutant barrier for dissolved organic pollutants
with activated carbon as a reliable pollutant adsorber

Tektoseal Active with special activated carbon in combination with the optimal geotextiles can be used for the large-scale treatment of dissolved organic pollutants. The persistent substances adsorb permanently and reliably on the activated carbon. The use of the active geocomposites enables soil/sediment remediation with the help of passive soil decontamination. The easy solubility of many organic substances with water is used to specifically induce leaching of the pollutants. In this way, sediments and soils can be treated in-situ and groundwater, humans, animals and the environment can be protected.

Безопасность и очистка - Tektoseal Active надежно защищает загрязненные почвы и отложения
Safe and cleaning
Securing contaminated soils on land and sediments under water, with simultaneous passive cleaning
Эффективность - Tektoseal Active надежно удаляет растворенные органические загрязнения
Reliable removal of dissolved organic pollutants such as VOC, TBT, PAH, PCB and many more
Эффективность - Tektoseal Active надежно удаляет растворенные органические загрязнения
Pollutant adsorption from liquids and gases possible
Долговечность - Tektoseal Active с высокой связующей способностью и способностью поглощать загрязняющие вещества
Large surface area (1 g of activated carbon is approx. 1,000 m²) leads to high binding and pollutant absorption capacity.
Мощный - Tektoseal Active с высочайшей производительностью
Project-specific product configuration with suitable activated carbon types for highest performance
Признано - Активированный уголь как высокоэффективный адсорбент - Tektoseal Active
Activated carbon is known and approved as a highly efficient adsorber of organic pollutants

Proven excellent pollutant protection with geotextiles and activated carbon

Our highly efficient geocomposites with project-specific selected activated carbon can safely bind a wide range of hazardous organic pollutants. Activated carbon is known as an adsorber for pollutant treatment and can be permanently mechanically stabilised and laid over large areas in combination with our geotextiles. In this project video you can see how a very elaborate safeguarding concept can work with a multifunctional and multi-layer surface sealing system made of geobuilding materials and Tektoseal Active.

Reliable pollutant binding through adsorption

Крупный план трехслойного материала - Tektoseal Active для надежной адсорбции загрязняющих веществ
Крупный план специализированного активированного угля в составе Tektoseal Active
Project-specific selected activated carbon
Эффективное удаление загрязняющих веществ с помощью активированного угля в Tektoseal Active
Effective pollutant adsorption
Универсальность применения для различных растворенных органических загрязнителей в Tektoseal Active
Use with a variety of dissolved organic pollutants such as VOCs, TBTs, PAHs,
PCBs, etc.
Крупный план специализированного активированного угля в составе Tektoseal Active
Project-specific selected activated carbon
Эффективное удаление загрязняющих веществ с помощью активированного угля в Tektoseal Active
Effective pollutant adsorption
Универсальность применения для различных растворенных органических загрязнителей в Tektoseal Active
Use with a variety of dissolved organic pollutants such as VOCs, TBTs, PAHs,
PCBs, etc.

Tektoseal Active with Organoclay for organic pollutants in oily environments

Our Tektoseal Active product variant with special organoclay offers more effective pollutant protection for organic pollutants in an oily environment. Contaminants that originate, for example, from heavy industry or from the impregnation of wood, cannot be treated effectively with activated carbon in some cases, as the oily substances cover the activated carbon like a film. For these applications, the Tektoseal Active pollutant adsorber Organoclay is the best solution. One advantage: in contact with the substances, the adsorber swells so that the product becomes almost impermeable to pollutants flowing in. It can be used for coal tar, creosote (so-called non-aqueous phase liquids, NAPLs) and many more.

  • Protection for contaminated soils on land and sediments under water

  • First choice for organic pollutants with oil compounds

  • Known and used worldwide as an adsorber for in-situ contamination control

  • "Chemical treatment of the base material bentonite makes it an oliophilic pollutant adsorber"

  • Large-area pollutant filters with constant and erosion-proof layer thickness throughout

  • Project-specific product design for the realisation of very long service lives

Application examples for Tektoseal Active for organic pollutants

Together we always find the best possible product configuration for your project!

Due to the complex natural interrelationships of contaminants, water and soil properties, and adsorption behavior of the active substances, configuring the optimal active geocomposite is not always trivial. With our expertise and laboratory know-how, we support you to find the best-performing solution consisting of special geotextiles and a broad and unique portfolio of active substances. We are glad to run project-specific preliminary tests to gain effectiveness analyses for you. With our holistic services for complex engineering projects, we ensure that “your” Tektoseal Active product solution is as optimally adapted as possible to the conditions on site and can therefore be used safely in the long term.

Your product configuration kit
Everything for your Tektoseal Active contaminant barrier
  • Woven geotextiles as carrier layer

  • Nonwoven geotextiles as cover or carrier layer

  • Selected activated carbon

  • Organoclay

Геоткань - Tektoseal Active Pollutant Barrier
Geo Nonwoven - Tektoseal Active Pollutant Barrier
Activated carbon
Активированный уголь - Tektoseal Active Pollutant Barrier
Органоглина - Tektoseal Active Pollutant Barrier