Tektoseal® Active - современные решения для металлов и радионуклидов
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Ленинградское шоссе 69-1
125445 Москва

Tektoseal® Active for metals and radionuclides

The pollutant barriers for inorganic pollutants

Tektoseal Active product solutions for inorganic pollutants, can reliably secure, remediate or preventively protect contaminated soils, sediments and waterbodies from pollutant input. Our product solutions combine the advantages of geotextiles with the active substances particularly suitable for this purpose - our cation adsorber and zeolite. As a result of fast and high pollutant absorption, it is possible to construct very thin and secure pollutant filters for heavy metals, phosphates and radionuclides, making your project even more sustainable.

Application of the large-area, permeable and erosion-proof pollutant barriers is possible on and in soils as well as underwater. Our Tektoseal Active solutions with the particularly powerful cation adsorber, are optimally suited as permeable barriers for substances such as lead, mercury, arsenic etc.. A product configuration with zeolite increases the cation exchange capacity of filter and barrier layers. For a detailed analysis of your project-specific problem, our team of experts is at your disposal at any time.

Tektoseal Active product solutions for metals and radionuclides

High performance for heavy metals and phosphates

High-performance textiles combined with a special cation adsorber ensure the highest pollutant absorption capacity.

The alternative for lightly contaminated soils and ashes

High-performance textiles combined with zeolite (mineral molecular sieve) ensure reliable pollutant absorption in soils with low cationic contamination, among others.

Pollutant barrier with cation adsorber for all heavy metal and phosphate loads

Tektoseal Active with a special cation adsorber serves as a high-performance pollutant barrier for heavy metal pollution applications and has also been used to remove phosphorus from water. In addition to removing inorganic substances from the water, the active substance neutralises acidic water to a neutral pH value. The specific pollutant filter can be used over a large area to prevent environmental contamination by e.g. nickel, aluminium, copper etc.. In addition, already polluted media can be secured and passively decontaminated at the same time. For example, sediments and soils near mines, heavy industry and other potential sources of danger can be treated passively. This protects surface and groundwater, people, animals and our environment without the need of plant treatment measurements.

Высокая эффективность в отношении металлов - более 97% удаления таких металлов, как мышьяк, свинец или ртуть, из воды или газа.
High effectiveness with metals
Arsenic, lead or mercury, etc. are safely removed from the carrier medium (water or gas) with an effectiveness of more than 97%.
Адсорбция радионуклидов - более 90% эффективности при адсорбции радионуклидов, таких как уран, радий или стронций.
Adsorption of radionuclides
Radionuclides such as uranium, radium or strontium are also adsorbed with an
effectiveness of more than 90%.
Нейтрализует кислотность - буферизует кислые воды до pH 7 (нейтральный)
Neutralises the acidity
The mineral structure neutralises acidic waters and buffers the pH value to a level of approx. 7 (neutral).
Максимальная производительность на каждом квадратном метре - Связывание большого количества металлов и радионуклидов на квадратный метр
Maximum performance on every square metre
Based on laboratory studies, more than 200,000 mg of metals and radionuclides can be bound per m².
Быстрая кинетика реакции - фильтрация больших объемов воды в кратчайшие сроки
Fast reaction kinetics
Large quantities of water can be filtered in a very short time, thanks to the fast reaction kinetics of approx. 3 minutes.
Высокая катионообменная способность - Универсальность применения на суше и под водой
Variable use
Cation exchange capacity enables application in various installation situations on land and under water.

Highest effectiveness and excellent pollutant protection

Our highly efficient geocomposites with special cation adsorbers bind a variety of hazardous inorganic substances. The cation adsorber is a demonstrably highly efficient active substance for the treatment of pollutants and, in combination with our geotextiles, can be laid in a permanently mechanically stable manner over large areas. 


  • Proven affinity to many metals present in the environment at high and low concentrations
  • High pollutant absorption capacity enables long service life
  • Strong binding between active substance and pollutants minimises system reversibility (desorption)


The high affinity as well as the large capacity for various metals and radionuclides present in the environment can be demonstrably measured. A breakthrough of the active material can only be detected after large quantities of metals have been discharged (see graph above). In field tests with mine water, the laboratory results can be confirmed with regard to effectiveness, capacity and the exclusion of system reversibility.

Pollutant binding through adsorption

Состав материала и слои - Tektoseal Active
Tektoseal Active Tecnoclean grain - мощный катионный адсорбер для очистки загрязняющих веществ
Cation adsorber as a powerful active substance
 Схематический обзор зерна Tecnoclean
High capacity due to pollutant adsorption
Применяется для неорганических загрязнителей - Tektoseal Active
Applicable for inorganic pollutants
Tektoseal Active Tecnoclean grain - мощный катионный адсорбер для очистки загрязняющих веществ
Cation adsorber as a powerful active substance
 Схематический обзор зерна Tecnoclean
High capacity due to pollutant adsorption
Применяется для неорганических загрязнителей - Tektoseal Active
Applicable for inorganic pollutants

The natural alternative solution with zeolite for lightly contaminated soils and ashes

Depending on the challenges on site, a Tektoseal Active product variant with zeolite - the mineral molecular sieve - can also be advantageous. Zeolite has a high cation exchange capacity and can be used, for example, as part of the backfilling of old building materials, contaminated soils or ash. In order to comply with limit values for the storage or securing of these materials in the field or to use them as a building material, zeolite can be an economical alternative. The many boundary conditions associated with inorganic pollutants mean that the selection of the optimal adsorber should be determined, if necessary, with the help of preliminary tests. This is what we offer you through our experts and engineers.

  • Realisation of a high cation exchange capacity in the filter or barrier layer

  • Safeguarding of contaminated soils in the field

  • Additional safety when building with substitute building materials and slightly contaminated materials

  • Project-specific and economical product configuration by our experts

Application examples for Tektoseal Active for metals and radionuclides

Together we always find the best possible product configuration for your project!

Due to the complex natural interrelationships of contaminants, water and soil properties, and adsorption behavior of the active substances, configuring the optimal active geocomposite is not always trivial. With our expertise and laboratory know-how, we support you to find the best-performing solution consisting of special geotextiles and a broad and unique portfolio of active substances. We are glad to run project-specific preliminary tests to gain effectiveness analyses for you. With our holistic services for complex engineering projects, we ensure that “your” Tektoseal Active product solution is as optimally adapted as possible to the conditions on site and can therefore be used safely in the long term.

Your product configuration kit
Everything for your Tektoseal Active contaminant barrier
  • Woven geotextiles as carrier layer

  • Nonwoven geotextiles as cover or carrier layer

  • Cation adsober (treatment mechanism: pollutant adsorption)

  • Zeolite (treatment mechanism: molecular sieve with cation exchange)

Детальный вид геоткани - часть комплекта конфигурации продукта
Нетканый материал Geo - часть строительного комплекта конфигурации изделия
Cation adsorber
Детальный вид катионного адсорбера - части модульной системы комплектации изделия
Цеолит - часть комплекта конфигурации продукта для Tektoseal Active