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Ленинградское шоссе 69-1
125445 Москва

Covertec однослойное газонепроницаемое иокрытие силосных резервуаров

Short Summary

This standard roof construction is a single-skin silo cover used with primary and secondary fermenters or final storage containers for the purpose of collecting and utilizing residual gas while minimizing odour emissions. The cover is clamped to the internal face of the silo to produce a gas-tight seal.
With the premium-grade model, the gas-tight seal is positioned on the top edge of the container, thus allowing the cover to be opened even when the silo is full.


  • High-tech, fabric-reinforced PVC membranes with minimum weight of 900g per m2, outer face coated to reduce susceptibility to soiling

  • High tear resistance of 4,200 & 4,000 N per 5 cm, low gas permeability, high UV stability

  • Suitable for all steel and concrete silos on the market

  • Used in conjunction with HUESKER‘s Flexxovalve 1000W+ pressure safety device to provide reliable, gas-tight cover; approved by TÜV (German Technical Inspection Association)

  • Standard models allow use for up to +3.5 mbar positive pressure and -0.5 mbar negative pressure

  • Central column in hardwood or, if desired, stainless steel 

  • Tensioned by stainless-steel ratchets and high-tensile belts

  • Incl. gas-tight access openings available in various sizes

  • Customized, siet-specific structural calculation

  • 4-year warranty (VOB)

  • Expected service life of 15 years

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